12 months, 24 episodes after… The Polished Lens clocks 1.
Wow!! It’s been a very interesting journey so far. Not an easy one I must confess… lol. But very rewarding despite.
My mind goes back to the many nights recording episodes, sometimes having more than one version for an episode just because I wanted to get it really right. I remember getting to due dates and sometimes not clear on what to share. One particular funny but not so funny incident then, was having to lock myself in a bathroom to record an episode because we were on a family trip. And that was the only space I could get to shut out noise and distraction, and also record without disturbing my crew. I won’t forget a trip I took, passing through security at Frankfurt Airport, where I was told to stand aside while an armed officer was called to check my carry on bag thoroughly, because I’d flown with my portable mic instead of checking it in with my luggage. Phew….
For those who may be asking, no, the podcast isn’t generating income… well not at the moment…lol. But you see when you truly want to share or give back in the way that resonates with you, you will cross those mountains and swim those rivers. I have considered stopping a few times, especially when I felt overwhelmed with other goals. But here’s what I’ve decided to do for now – keep learning, keep sharing… even if my audience is just one heart that gets truly blessed… or perhaps a generation I may never know, till I’m satisfied with all I’ve poured out.
It’s great and truly fulfilling to also look back at the other new offerings from The Polished Lens apart from the podcast – CrossRoads Live, Thrive At Home and now the DISC assessment resource. Each one focused on shaping perception. I can say for sure that growth came with getting deeper.
Thank you to all subscribers, every one who has listened to at least one episode, shared any episode or sent a feedback. And for those who have’t missed any, you truly rock! Special appreciation to my back end support peeps, God alone can reward you.
And to mark this one, I’d be giving away a complimentary behavioural analysis assessment test (from our newest resource – the John Maxwell Method of DISC; test only valued at $50, terms & conditions apply) to that one listener, who comments with the title of the 10th episode, two highlights from that episode and gets the most likes.
Keep listening, keep sharing and keep those lenses polished.
Happy 1st Anniversary to us!!