Yes we had an amazing time on the first CrossRoads Live – Thrive At Home.
The time was however not adequate to cover all we had to share and discuss so we had to plan a part 2.
I’m glad to let you know this comes up on Friday the 13th of September 2019, at the same time 8pm GMT on my Instagram Live. I’m excite already and looking forward to having you on the session with me.
Do you have questions? Please send to me here – And remember to tell your friends who really need this.
So if you or any of your friends have had more time lately at home, getting a bit frustrated about the home place, working from home or just in transit through phases while at home, then this is one live session to be a part of.
I’m excited to also share the audio clip from the last session for all who have been asking. Listen to it here, it’s available for only a limited time, so you want to take this opportunity now.
The mastermind group sign up is still open!! This is specially designed to enable you re-align and maximize the home place with customized strategies, and you will be doing this with a group of like-minds over the course of 4 weeks. The inaugural & complimentary batch is almost fully booked, you don’t want that to slip pass you. Click here and send in your details.
See you on Friday!